Swimming Pool Leak Detection
A swimming pool that has a leak should not be ignored. A leaking pool can damage not only to the pool structure but it can also damage buildings and landscaping.
It can be difficult to tell the difference between evaporation and a leak. If you suspect that your pool has a leak, a bucket test (below) will give you an idea if the water loss is evaporation.
Our process:
1. Do you have a leak? Know in 5 min ! without damage to your yard or pool.
- We deploy a specialized technology called a Leakalyzer. This technology measures water level water changes to the 10,000th of an inch, enabling leaks to be identified in as little as five minutes. The Leakalyzer is so sensitive that water loss of less than a gallon from a 20ft. x 40ft. pool is readily indicated.
- If we detect a leak, we will run Leakalyzer tests to determine if the leak is in the plumbing or in the structure.
2. Where is the leak? We will employ any or all of the following to identify the source of a leak:
- Certified diver will dye test all structural penetrations (lights, returns, drains, skimmer) and any visible cracks.
- We will isolate sections of plumbing, pressurize that plumbing and use listening devices to hear escaping water or air.
3. Fix my leak! Yes we can, 30+ years of experience.
- C.H.I. Pool Contractors is has been providing pool construction, renovation, equipment repairs, and leak detection for over 30 years in the Treasure Valley. We have the expertise to repair any equipment, plumbing or structural leak that has been identified. We will provide a detailed written estimate.

Step 1: The water in the pool should be at normal operating level and the auto fill system turned off.
Step 2: fill the bucket with pool water about 1 inch from the top and place it on the top step.
Step 3: With a piece of tape, mark the inside and outside of the bucket.
Step 4: Run the system for 24 hours compare the inside and outside levels marked on the bucket. Measure the distance from the water level to the bottom of the tape on the inside of the bucket (amount of water lost to evaporation). Now measure the distance from the water level to the bottom of the tape on the outside of the bucket (total amount of water lost not only to evaporation but also to a leak).